Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 792 - Learning the ADEs

Everyone has to start out somewhere. Mark Twain had to learn words before he could write. Magic Johnson had to learn to walk before he could play basketball. Sarah Palin had to learn the meaning of "rogue" before she could go rogue. And Emma has to learn her letters before she knows the alphabet.

Emma's language development has been increasing at a pretty fast rate. A rate so fast I imagine she will tell me how much she hates me and how she wants to runaway from home in the next month or two. She enjoys repeating what we say and is just beginning to say things on her own without prompting.

The alphabet is still a bit of a challenge for Emma. She knows bits and pieces of it and tries to piece it together. Although often incorrect, sometimes she puts together a beautiful mosaic of letters and other times she puts together a revolting paint-by-numbers done by an over-caffeinated epilepsy patient. Basically it's still a hit and miss work in progress.

Here's a short video of Emma attempting the ABCs.

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