Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 522 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week I was wondering whether or not it was okay to add flavoring to the food we feed the kids. It was pretty much unanimous that it is okay to add some seasoning. It was a tie between "yes" and "sparingly." There wasn't a single vote for "no", and twenty-nine percent thought we could add anything to the food as long as it wasn't MSG or urine.

Come on, people! Do you really think I'm stupid enough to add MSG or urine to a bowl of oatmeal or a slice of melon? Emma and Andrew might be our first kids, but I'm not an idiot. Geez, give me a little credit. Now excuse me while I spread a little bit of fecal matter on their toast.


Recently, we visited our friends, Bernard and Joyce. They have a little girl, Abby, who is about three months older than our kids. Whenever we get together, the kids love to play and laugh out loud which is great because it drowns out the drunken conversations the adults have.

Joyce is a toy designer and has pretty much worked for all of the major toy companies. She's very artistic and crafty. She's a good friend, but I gotta tell you: I hate her.

And here's why! When we were over at their place, Joyce made Abby a very elaborate playhouse out of large cardboard boxes. The house had a roof with a fancy eave, lattice windows, a cute little front door with a ribbon as a door knob, central air, a 2-car garage, and a guest house in the backyard just past the pool and the tennis court. This cardboard house would make being homeless a luxury.

Needless to say, our kids had a lot of fun playing in the house. So much fun that Lisa is now needling me to make a cardboard house for our kids. See! Wouldn't you hate Joyce too?!?! Lattice windows...humph.

So what do you think? Should I take the time to make a cardboard box house for Emma and Andrew? Or maybe they have forgotten about it and don't even care. Or perhaps we should just drop off the kids at a Box Bros. store and let them make a day of it?

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