Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 521 - Still Waiting...

As mentioned in previous posts, people still stop us when we are out and about with the twins. And they all ask the same questions: "Are they twins?", "How is it raising twins?", and "Aren't you glad they got their looks from their mother?" But when I see parents with an older set of twins, I like to ask them my standard question: When does it get easier?

I really don't know if we are blessed with having great kids or cursed with having difficult kids. Personally, I think our kids are pretty good, but I have always used Zack and Cody as a baseline and they're just a couple of goofballs. The only thing I know is that at the end of the day I'm really tired, and I feel like I have accomplished very little except for cooking, feeding, and picking up Cheerios in the oddest places (How did a Cheerios get in my belly-button?!?).

For the past seventeen months, things have been a trade-off. One difficulty has been replaced with a new set of challenges. For instance, the endless nights have been traded-off with endless days. I figure this is pretty much par for the course with raising kids, but as I've mentioned before, there has got to be a point where the load gets a little lighter.

According to my informal poll of parents of twins, the point at which things get easier is around year two. The most popular answer behind this is that the kids get to a point where they can either entertain themselves or play with each other. One parent told me it never gets easier. I tried to contact that person again for more details, but visiting hours at the psychiatric ward was closed.

We're still seven months away from their second birthday, so I look forward to see whether or not things will get easier. Right now we're at a frustrating stage where the kids understand quite a bit, but they lack the ability to express themselves. We've tried to teach them a little sign language, but all they do is give me the middle finger when they don't get their way. They also know how to say a few letters of the alphabet, but I probably shouldn't have taught them "f" and "u" as their first ones.

So the countdown begins: only 105 more days until their second birthday and potential parental sanity.

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