Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 855 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week, I wanted to pick your brain to see what we could do about stopping the kids from picking their noses and mouth. Fifty-five percent believed we should just ram it into their heads that they should not play with their facial orifices. Thirty-three percent told us we should be thankful that they're only picking their face holes and not their butt hole.

The continuing picking and digging only got worse the past week because Andrew began to stick some food up his nose. On one occasion it was a corn kernel. The next time it was a piece of rice. Most recently it was a turkey leg -- which ironically was the easiest one to pull out.

I read a few articles about nose picking and most of them agreed that punishing or getting angry at your child may reinforce the problem. The child may continue to do it because they know they will get a strong reaction from the parent. So what Lisa and I have been trying to do is one of two things: offer them a tissue or gently pull their fingers out of their face with no reaction. We'll see how far this gets us, but it's awfully hard not to react when your kid has a chopstick halfway up their left nostril. Which begs the question, where did the other chopstick go?


The potty training is progressing very slowly. Without a doubt, there's more poop and pee in the pants than in the toilet. But enough about me, let's talk about the kids.

The kids are also progressing slowly with the potty training. The kids have been most successful before and after their bath. There have been a number of celebratory dances after bath time because Emma and/or Andrew peed or pooped in their potty chair. As for the rest of the day, let's just say they are still very comfortable scooting down their indoor slide with a pile of dung in their denim.

I read an article in a parenting magazine that the average age for a girl to be potty trained is 35 months; a boy is around 39 months. Emma is 28 1/2 months, and I'm pretty sure Andrew is the same. So according to the magazine, we are still 6 1/2 to 10 1/2 months away from saying good bye to diapers and stained sofas. Of course the statistic is just an average, but that means we may be 4,000 diapers away from the kids finally being able to flush!

So just to see how accurate this article is, when were your kids potty trained?

1 comment:

Susan Tajii said...

Good morning. Kevin was definitely over 36 months old, probably closer to 42 months. But, the good thing is that at age 31, he's completely potty-trained. I can't remember exactly how old Jamie was but during the training, we kept having to make sure Jamie didn't stand to pee. Good luck, just another milestone for parents and their kids.