Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 177 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week's poll, I asked whether or not I should continue with the Grandma Ichikawa stories. Sorry, Grandma Ichikawa, but it looks like stories about you will continue to be shared since 78% of your fans voted yes. I'm sure since Grandma Ichikawa will be with us for the next three months, there will be PLENTY of stories to be shared. There were a couple of votes for Grandma Ichinaga, so there could always be the possibility of a few slipped anecdotes about her too (watch your tongue Grandma Ichinaga!).

This week's poll was prompted by our friend, Jodie, who thought Andrew looked like Lisa. Ever since Andrew was born, people have said he looks more like me than Lisa. And Emma has been repeatedly compared to Lisa. So for this week's poll, I have posted a couple of baby pictures of Lisa and I. Who do you think we look like?

Baby Scott

Baby Lisa


Susan Tajii said...

Definitely, Andrew looks like dad and Emma looks like mom, it's a non-issue. Auntie Susan

Anonymous said...

Andrew looks like suspiciously like Paul Mitsui. HMMMMMMM.......!