Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 916 - Poll Results & (no) New Poll

Last week I recounted how Andrew has a new found need to neaten up his room before going to sleep. I wondered whether Andrew was being neat or manipulating the situation so he wouldn't have to go to bed. Fifty percent thought Andrew was manipulating the situation. And thirty-three percent thought it doesn't matter either way because he's just going through a phase.

Lisa and I believe Andrew is procrastinating and making excuses not to go to bed. We basically shrug off his demands and try to distract him with something else like a book or a feather tied to a fishing pole. Crazy Grandma Ichikawa still believes that Andrew is not manipulating her, and there is no reason to have him crying before he goes to sleep. As of yesterday, Andrew's new nap routine that Crazy Grandma has to go through consists of neatening up the room, feeding him grapes, and giving him a ten minutes foot massage. Manipulator? Naaaaaaah.


Since this week's blog is so far behind schedule, it's pretty useless to put up a new poll this week; we'll go back to the poll on April 19th. So in lieu of a new poll, please enjoy these random pictures of poles.

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