Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 76 - Poll Results & New Poll


It was an exciting poll this past week between Aunt Anne, Aunt Susan, and Aunt Bea. Aunt Bea was never really a threat since she was too busy with a bake sale this past weekend in Mayberry. So after 12 rounds, Anne ruled the day with 47% of the vote versus Susan's 29%.

When Lisa interviewed Susan the Defeated on the phone to ask her opinion on the fight, Susan commented that "...Anne probably paid people to vote for her." Anne was not available for comment as she was at a local ATM.

For this week's poll, I open up the question of whether or not we should drive up north for the holidays. The Ichinaga clan is pressuring us to come up. So much so that Lisa's sister, Susan the Defeated, wrote a letter to us from Emma & Andrew asking us to make the trip so they can visit all of their cousins. As for the Ichikawa clan, my mom is germphobic so she'd rather have the kids stay in Los Angeles because there's no possible way the kids could get sick here with such clean air and people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping you guys come up north for the holidays!! I'd be fun to finally meet Andrew and Emma in person... although I feel like I already know them from reading your blog!