Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 293 - Sofa So Bad

Our sofa is almost ten years old. When we moved to our current place we thought about purchasing a new one. But eventually we decided against it since there's really no reason to get a new sofa when baby pee, baby poop, baby drool, and mama tit leakage would get it dirty. And dirty our sofa did get.

For the most part, a little warm water and soap gets most of the stains off the sofa. And for those stains that don't go away I have a secret solution: when the kids turn one, I'm going to flip the sofa cushions upside down. Shhh.

But there was one thing I didn't expect our sofa to get: holes. On the edge of our chaise, the fabric was thinning out. I figured since we were planning to get rid of this sofa in the next year or two, it should last at least that long before its innards spill out like leftover night at the slaughterhouse.

When my parents were here babysitting the kids, I noticed the fabric thinning out faster. And before you know it, a little hole appeared. And a few weeks after that, the hole got larger. What the hell was going on? The last time I saw a little hole get huge that fast was (NOTE: Lisa here. I had to censor Scott's next lame body joke. Even for me it went too far. Back to Scott...). And believe me, the prison even had a shovel and a jar of mayo to boot! Hahah! Boy...I'm a hoot.

I asked Lisa if she noticed the sofa hole getting bigger. Lisa said she did noticed and knew why: my parents were allowing Andrew to play with the sofa hole! My mom told Lisa that Andrew's new favorite toy was poking at the hole. He would pull himself up at the end of the chaise and start digging away at the sofa! First of all, why let Andrew ruin our sofa. And more importantly, let's not have Andrew develop a weird fetish with holes.

As you can see with today's picture, we sewed up the hole. Sadly this picture is the second sewing attempt because Andrew broke through the first. Hopefully, we can figure out something to distract Andrew from continuing to play with holes. I suggested to Lisa that we get Andrew a dog with a large ass, but all she said was (NOTE: Lisa here again. Just saving you readers again from another bad my expense. Okay...he's done now.). But how is that possible if Lisa is allergic to peanut butter? Hahaha. All I can say is woof!

1 comment:

Tajii Family said...

at least he isn't chewing on the furniture like a dog?