Monday, February 4, 2008

Day 135 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week's poll was a tie between letting your baby cry it out and picking up the tyke to calm him down. To honor the outcome of the poll results, we will only pick up the bottom half of Emma while we allow her torso and head to toss and wail. Personally I would have loved to experiment with the whiskey and benadryl except Lisa depleted our liquor cabinet last night after the New England Patriots lost (she could've cared less who lost; she just needed an excuse to get drunk).

When Lisa and I brainstormed over what to name our kids, Emma was decided upon very early on. I think it was decided upon even before Lisa and I got together. I had little say with that name, but thankfully I liked it. We had a much more difficult time figuring out what to name our boy. Through a process of elimination we named our son Andrew. What we liked about it is that you had options on what you could call him: Andrew, Andy, Drew. My sister, Anne (pretzel maven), wanted to nickname him "Ann" but I vetoed that.

So for this week's poll, I ask what is your favorite nickname for Andrew?


Susan Tajii said...

I love Andy and if we go with it, then both kids would have four letters in their names! Auntie Susan

Anonymous said...

I vote "Dr. Dru"