Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 114 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week I asked whether Grandma Ichinaga should've been embarrassed about not buying $50 coffee beans. 91% of you believed she should have no reason to be embarrassed, while 9% thought otherwise. As for that one person who thought she should have bought the beans, how much coffee do you drink and how much stock do you have in Peet's Coffee?

You loyal readers already know my disappointment in Lisa's pithy blog entry. For those of you who missed it (and I don't blame you because it was so tiny), it was a brief entry about my birthday. I asked Lisa to write another entry, but she has no idea what it should be about. For this week's poll, I ask all of you to help Lisa figure out what to write about for her next adventure into blogging. Choose one of the preselected topics or just write your own suggestion in the comment area.

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