Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 1064 - Conversations with Andrew

Although the kids don't take a nap every day, I'd say they still sleep at least five days of the week. And those days that the kids do not nap, it's usually Andrew who is the one who refuses to sleep.

Today was one of those days where Emma fell asleep despite Andrew's crying and whining. This usually makes things worse for Andrew because he has no one to talk to in the bedroom. Eventually Andrew will come up with any excuse to get out of bed.

"I'm hungry!"

"I'm too cold!"

"I need to go the bathroom!"

"I got a callback to play The Engineer in Miss Saigon!"

I grabbed Andrew out of his bed and brought him to the living room. After he calmed down, I decided to see if I could figure out why he refused to take a nap.

"Andrew," I said. "You were crying so much. How come you didn't want to take a nap?"

Now let me preface the end to this blog entry that I'm usually not the sentimental or emotional type, but I just felt this was one of those moments that really shine a light on why it's worth it to be a parent.

As Andrew wiped away a tear, he told me he didn't take a nap because "I missed you, Daddy."


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