Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 733 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week I asked whether or not I should teach the kids how to use a computer. I'm sure over half my readers were shocked to learn that Japanese babies do not automatically know how to use a computer; Japanese babies just know how to calibrate televisions and do bonsai. Anyway, forty-six percent believed that computer usage would just lead to wanton destruction, mayhem, and sibling strife. The remaining votes were tied between teaching and not teaching them.

I'd have to agree that if I decided to let them use the computer it would just lead to a lot of fighting and screaming. If fighting over a plastic orange leads the kids towards crying, imagine what a computer would do. I've read that kids often learn the concept of taking turns around three years old, but they don't actually accept the concept until sixty-two years old. So I guess it will be at least another year until I start to teach the kids how to use a computer. In the meantime, I'll continue to teach them how to use the dishwasher and the vacuum cleaner.


It's ridiculous how many pictures I have of the kids. On average, I save 175 pictures of the kids per month on our computer. Multiply that by 24 months and you got 4200 pictures. But ask me how many printed photos I have of the kids, then I'd have to respond, "Hey! Do you wanna see 4200 pictures of the kids on my computer monitor?"

Last year, we took the kids to a kid's photo studio to take some pictures of them when they turned one year old. They turned out pretty well, and we would never take the framed photos of them off our walls -- mostly because they are covering crayon marks. Now that the kids have turned two, I was wondering whether or not we should take portraits of them again and make it into a yearly ritual. But then again, I do have 4200 photos of the kids on my computer hard drive. What do you think? Is it worth a few hundred dollars for the professional look of a portrait or is my amateur photography just as good? I mean out of 4200 photos a few of them have got to be keepers, right?

family portraits
holiday cards


Susan Tajii said...

Hey, I NEED my annual pictures of my babies!!!! PICU RN Auntue Susan

Star said...

I say get them done in a location where there are in their natural setting. Portrait studios are too fake. A decent photographer these days will only charge you for the time and give you the photos to print yourself.