Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 274 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week, I asked for advice on how to rid Andrew of his fear of taking a bath. You see, inconsiderate Mommy turned on the bath faucet full blast which scared the poop out of Andrew -- literally. It seems as if the vast majority of you (80%) believe we should just give up on cleaning Andrew and let him be stinky. We'll see how long that lasts until social services visits us again next Wednesday.

Thankfully, Andrew is no longer fearful of his bath. Lisa knew she had to redeem her son's love, so she figured out a way to ease him back into his nightly bath ritual. Before giving him a bath, Lisa put Andrew in the tub with his clothes on with a bunch of toys. She did this several nights in a row, and every night his crying became weaker and weaker. Here are a few pictures that show how we cured Andrew's fear in three easy steps:

Step 1: Play in tub with toys in living room.

Step 2: Play in tub with toys in kitchen sink.

Step 3: Bath time fear conquered!*

*Scott-face penis cover not included.

Finally last Friday, Andrew stopped crying and his fear of the bath tub ended. Unfortunately, Andrew fell on a bookshelf on Sunday and now has a fear of particle wood.

Probably nine or ten days ago, we received our tax initiative check in the mail. Lisa and I decided we would save half of ours and spend the other half on something frivolous, like premium gasoline. As for the kid's share, we're not too sure what to do with it. Any suggestions? Should we be practical and put it in their college savings account? Should we be fun and put it towards a family vacation? Or should we just be rat bastards and spend it on ourselves?


Anonymous said...

Use your tax initiative check to see Thunder from Down Under in Vegas. That show is awesome! I mean, my friend said it was awesome...

Susan Tajii said...

I think the kids already have a lot so go ahead and put it in their savings. - Auntie Susan