Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 696 - Family Portrait Problems

Things have been busy since we've been back from our Northern California trip. I had to go into work for a few days, and we took a trip to Disneyland yesterday (Now do you understand the posting delays?). As soon as I muster a little more energy, this blog will hopefully be updated in a more timely manner.

Anyhoo, I was looking through the hundreds of photos we took during our vacation and noticed a long series of pictures that were our attempt at a family portrait. If you think it's hard enough to get one toddler to take a good picture, imagine how difficult it is to get two toddlers to cooperate. Despite my inherent Japaneseness at taking photos, it took a long time to get one decent photo of the Ichikawa family.

Here is just a small hint at the chaos that occurs when trying to get one good family picture:

Lazy Grandpa is napping, and Crazy Grandma is confused because she took out Christmas stickers.

Lazy Grandpa wakes up, but Andrew disappears.

Lisa tries to coax Andrew out of the closet with couscous.

A group photo is taken, but the kids look drunk (...actually, they are drunk...).

Where did Andrew go?

Oh...there he is.

We tell our uncooperative kids that if we don't get one good picture, we're never going to leave Crazy Grandma and Lazy Grandpa's house.

Cheese! Success! Except for Daddy's stupid smile...

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