The kids were excited to see Cars 2. I am a big fan of animation, so I always look forward to Pixar films. Although Rotten Tomatoes had this movie at a 35% approval, I was hoping for the best. But then I saw that Transformers 3 got 36%, and I became a little leery.
We found a 10am showing of the movie which was perfect because it was right between breakfast and lunch. And I guess the fact that each ticket was only $6 helped too. After we gave the kids their movie tickets, we told them they had to give the tickets to the movie attendant. I should've kept a closer eye on Emma because she tried to give her ticket to a homeless man who said he would work for beer.
In case the kids were going to freak out, we sat in the back row near the exit. Lisa looked through her purse for the snacks. We packed little goodie bags and fruit juice boxes for the kids. I grabbed my Diet Coke and chocolate chip cookie. And Lisa pulled out her flask of whiskey and apple bong.
And for the next two hours, I was amazed at how well the kids handled themselves. The darkness and sound of the movie theater did not bother them at all. There were a couple of scenes that scared the kids, but they covered their ears and closed their eyes just like they were told to do. And when a gentleman's cell phone went off, Andrew appropriately said, "Turn that off, asshole!"
Cars 2 was a little long for the kids because they began to get restless about 20 minutes before the end. But thankfully, there was enough action, popcorn, and bribes to keep them in their seats until the credits began to roll.
Cars 2 may very well been Pixar's weakest movie, but I wouldn't know. I was having too much fun watching my feature attraction: watching our kids enjoying their first movie. It really was a blast watching Emma and Andrew soaking in every moment of the movie. The experience was so riveting for them, we let them watch it one more time....while Lisa and I snuck next door to watch Bad Teacher.
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