Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 1012 - Poll Results & New Poll

Last week I asked whether or not there is anything worse than moving with 2 1/2 year old twins. It is clear to me that there is very little sympathy coming my way because fifty percent of you told me to suck it up and just deal with it. But thankfully there are forty percent of you who have a heart and great compassion and have just become additions to my will because you agree with me that there is nothing worse.

Currently, we are less than one month away from moving, and we have a long way to go before this place is packed up. The problem I am finding is that you can't leave packed boxes out in the open where the kids are around. Therefore, none of the rooms that the kids have access to have been packed up yet. All we have been able to pack up is part of our bedroom and the fetish dungeon. I am truly dreading the thought of the move and not having access to my mascot costumes and handcuffs.


The kids have always been pretty good sleepers. After their bedtime book, we give them their brandy snifters and Lucky Strike cigarettes and eventually tuck the kiddies into bed; the kids love Mad Men. But the past few nights, Andrew has acted uncharacteristically like

Just as Lisa and I are about to leave the bedroom, Andrew starts to freak out and screams, "Mommy! Mommy!" He tries to pull her back into bed, so Lisa will give him one last kiss and hug and leave the room. Then I stay in the room to try and calm him down. He continues to scream "Mommy! Mommy!" until I try to leave the room and he gives me the back-up scream "Daddy! Daddy!" One time I tried to leave the room, but Andrew pounced out of bed and grabbed my leg. What's even more sad is that I wasn't strong enough to get Andrew off.

I understand that kids go through different phases, but I'm not too sure how to deal with this new behavior. Now that the kids are more sophisticated with their emotions and thoughts, it doesn't seem as simple to leave Andrew crying in the bedroom. There is a definite difference between a 12 month old Andrew crying "Mama" versus a 2 1/2 year old Andrew crying "Mother! Why must you abandon me at a time of great emotional discomfort?"

What do you think? Do we just let Andrew cry it out? Do we try to use reason? Do we get larger brandy snifters?

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