Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 822 - Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had as nice a new year celebration as we did. After ushering in 2010 with a bottle of sparkling cider and a greatly improved, yet some what still unsettling Dick Clark, we spent the day at Great Grandma Ichikawa's house for lunch and dinner. Great Grandma is ninety-four and still making sushi and tempura for us. Granted she's a little slower and started making sushi and tempura for us in September, but she gets an A for effort -- just don't eat the shrimp.

Every year Lisa and I have the same resolutions: lose weight, exercise more, be less sexy. So I thought I would share with you the resolutions that Emma and Andrew made.


1) Don't hit Andrew in his face or his diaper jewels.
2) Try to convince Mommy and Daddy that banana cookies are a part of the fruit group.
3) Stop being constipated so Daddy will stop posting in his blog how large my poops are.
4) Increase my vocabulary so I can boss Andrew around with more specificity and arrogance.
5) Quit smoking.


1) Save enough money so I can tell Daddy that I can pay for my own haircuts.
2) Figure out what other functions the penis has besides peeing.
3) Learn to stand up for myself against Emma even though she is older, taller, and bigger than me.
4) Calm down and be more focused on things because I really like cotton candy and there's no reason I shouldn't be able to watch television when I want to since the weather is so nice outside and my toy car is the bestest car in the whole wide world that makes me so happy that I'm going to run into the street as fast as I can because I need to be more focused.
5) Try really, really hard not to be like Daddy.

Happy New Year!

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